
Showing posts from November, 2020

CSP to DSP: A Journey of Transformation

  As mobile technologies have evolved, so has the telecommunications customer base. While ten years ago, customers were looking for little more than access, the ubiquity of smartphones and tablets has created new demands and opportunities that expand the role of the service provider. Simple one-fits-all service worked in the past, but as technology has evolved, so have customer needs and expectations. A recent  IBM study  on Generation Z showed that 75 percent of respondents picked a mobile phone or smartphone as their device of choice, and 47 percent said they use their smartphones when shopping in a store. Further, prior to making any purchasing decisions, Generation Z uses their phones to research products and services to compare prices and discounts. So, as technologies and consumers evolve, CSPs can find themselves left behind, crippled by their legacy systems into offering impersonal plans, leaving current and potential customers unsatisfied. It is, therefore, becom...

Top 7 benefits digital BSS delivers, now and in 5G

  As evidenced in countries where it has launched, 5G brings massive innovation potential but is challenging to monetize if its only unique offering is ultrafast speed. Many operators are aware that 5G success depends on their digital Business Support Systems (BSS) and bringing innovation to their own business models. A recent study by TM Forum reveals that 72% of CSPs believe 5G revenue growth is completely dependent on transforming their BSS and OSS. However, digital transformation is beneficial even before 5G is rolled out: a robust BSS stack enables implementing and monetizing key 5G use cases, such as OTT partnerships and new business models, on previous-gen networks. 5G networks are anticipated to deliver a transformational customer experience with improved speed, connectivity, network coverage, interoperability, and more. And this will be further enhanced with omnichannel support, which offers a highly personalized, consistent, seamless, and holistic view of the complete ...

Authentication, Authorization, Accounting (AAA) Server

Authentication, Authorization, Accounting (AAA) Server gives Communications Service Providers (CSPs) the ability to control the way their subscribers access and consume IP data services on 3GPP mobile, WiFi, and wireline networks.  The process of authentication matches a subscriber’s credential from its database to the input provided during sign in, in order to validate access to the network. Next, authorization helps determine what each user is permitted to so, and accordingly, while they access the network they are assigned limitations and/or special permissions, such as data limits, speed or time caps, or restrictions based on the time of day. Accounting helps calculate and record how much data a user has consumed, and keeps track of usage in terms of the length of time the networks were accessed, or how much data was used. Download: NFV VAAA Deployment Whitepaper AAA Server enables CSPs to create and deliver customer-centric offerings. Statistics show that data usage has...